If We Were On a Gmeet Chatbox – Life Musing #7

If we were on a Gmeet chatbox I’d tell you that this seems such a perfectly quiet time to try and ramble on here. It’s night time here and people are asleep and everything’s so quiet, it’s lovely. I’m just here with my laptop on my bed. And I don’t remember trying to write something…… Continue reading If We Were On a Gmeet Chatbox – Life Musing #7

Dear 2023

I’ve been toying with the idea of writing to you since quite a while now. Part of me wants to entirely skip writing to you however it would perhaps be unfair on the beautiful memories which are going to stay with me now? Who knows. I don’t quite know what to say to you. You’ve…… Continue reading Dear 2023

If We Were On a Gmeet Chatbox – Life Musing #6

If we were on a gmeet chatbox I’d tell you I did not expect that I’d end up opening this document today. I’d tell you am not sure whether writing will happen today but am smiling finding myself opening this and trying to write. I’d ask you how have you been? This world seems such…… Continue reading If We Were On a Gmeet Chatbox – Life Musing #6

Two Years Of Blogging

I never thought I’d be sitting here trying to think of some way to start this post. Tricking myself into thinking somehow if I get some way to start I’ll magically finish writing this post in a jiffy. Today feels like a strange sort of unreal day. I never knew I’d end up blogging for…… Continue reading Two Years Of Blogging

If We Were On a Gmeet Chatbox – Life Musing #4

If we were on a Gmeet chatbox I’d tell you things have been pretty hard lately. I haven’t read many books either. And am unable to articulate myself most of the time. I’d tell you that the strangest part is knowing you’re struggling and having people who tell you “we won’t go, take your time,…… Continue reading If We Were On a Gmeet Chatbox – Life Musing #4

If We Were on a Gmeet Chatbox – Life Musing #3

If we were on a Gmeet chatbox I’d tell you it feels like a lifetime since I wrote here. My exams ended on 31st and I’ve been wanting to write ever since. I’d tell you every time I write here these days it feels like I’m a different person. And it feels kinda weird sometimes.…… Continue reading If We Were on a Gmeet Chatbox – Life Musing #3

How I learnt to be comfortable with the word disabled

hello everyone! 🙂 welcome back to my blog. the following article was published in the LSR college magazine’s Newsletter “Laal Deewarein”-Issue 02. I wrote this one back in February and it still feels quite surreal to realise that this not only got published but also opened the newsletter. the theme for this month’s issue was…… Continue reading How I learnt to be comfortable with the word disabled

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